Welcome to the Parish of
Our Lady of The Assumption
St Meddan
AUG 18th 2024
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I want to take the opportunity to write to you following a fairly difficult few months. The death of Fr Martin Chambers, the change of Parish Priest, and the subsequent illness of Fr Willie Boyd have affected you in different ways and must have been a bit unsettling to say the least. I would like to personally thank you for the way you have helped and supported each other in these months and for your patience. From the time I arrived here I have been struck by the faith, resilience and goodwill within the Diocese and that has been evident in your parishes. It is a clear sign that we are all in this together.
I am delighted that Fr Willie’s health is improving and that he will return to active ministry when the time is right. We have to make sure that he is patient with himself! I am also grateful for the ministry of the other priests who have stepped in, especially Fr Pat Keegans. And I am also so happy to have been able to welcome Fr Laurent Bahati to the Diocese and to your parishes. He has already been overwhelmed by the welcome he has received and is looking forward to his time with you.
Thank you again for your care for each other and for your priests.
+Frank Dougan​
Upcoming Events
Contact Information
- Meetings take place Church Hall at 2pm -
**Next Event ** 3RD SEPTEMBER
Opening & Welcome to New Session
Visit from Mrs May & children of St Patrick's Primary School
See Parish Groups page for other syllabus dates
The Care of Creation Office of the Bishops’ Conference has organised a National Conference for this year’s Season of Creation which runs from 1st September – 4th October 2024. The Conference will take place on Saturday 7th September 2024, from 10am – 3pm in St. Margaret’s Parish Hall, Raploch, Stirling. The guest speaker is Ben Wilson, Director of Public Engagement for SCIAF. If interested in attending, please complete a booking form here www.tinyurl.com/46wmt9ah and more details about this free day will follow.
Sponsored Walk
In memory of Fr Martin and in support of the Ecuador Trust
A group of about 30 young friends of Fr Martin are taking part in a sponsored walk on Sunday 29th September from St Matthew’s in Kilmarnock to Our Lady of the Assumption in Troon. They are beginning with Mass at 9.30am (and bacon rolls) in St Matthew’s and ending with a prayer in our church and tea in the hall. We look forward to welcoming them and they have given us this link if you would like to go online and support them. www.justgiving.com/christina-hand-1721079872724
If anyone would like to participate you can give Christina a call on 07445253213. Please note than anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
FOODBANK: The parish collection date for foodbank donations is the last Sunday of the month. Donations required presently- tinned items (meals, vegetables, potatoes, fruit, custard) jars of pasta sauce, long life milk, small packets of tea and any toiletries. Please leave any donations on the table at the back of church. As always, strong shopping bags (“bags for life”) would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.